Food Safety, Halal, and Tourism Certification

We offer One Stop Services for Hotel and Restaurant who seek Food Safety; Halal, and Tourism Certification. Services covers Technical Assistance/Consultation, Training, BNSP Certification, and Certification Assistance. Our Expert highly experienced in food services sectors.
SLHS (Sertifikat Laik Hygiene Sanitasi) or SLS (Sertifikat Laik Sehat Hotel) is required for Food Services business as stated in Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No 14 Tahun 2021 (PMK No 14 - 2021).   
SLHS/SLS is written evidence of Food Service compliance to food safety standards and health requirements for ready-to-eat (RTE) food. INVARR Indonesia provide technical assistance for Food Services (Restaurant, Catering, Hotel, etc) who want to seek SLHS/SLS. The assistance is tailored designed based on organization needs.   The SLHS/SLS Assistances may include one, two or more assistance on Kitchen Inspection, Testing Laboratory, Training, and Personnel Certification.  The Food Services with SLHS/SLS certificate will be announced by Local District of Health Office at national database linked to website The Ministry of Health of Republic Indonesia.
We provide technical assistance, competence based training program, audit, and certification facilitation for HACCP or Food Safety Management System Schemes. The HACCP Certification will be conducted by Our Accredited Certification Bodies. You can ask the technical assistance based on your needs.
We provide Technical Assistance in developing, implementing, and auditing the HALAL System based on Indonesia Regulation. We also facilitate Penyelia Halal Training & Competence Certification as required in Halal Certification Process. 
Internal Audit and Assistance of Halal Certification Process will take part in your success in gaining Halal Certificates. 
We provide Technical Assistance in gaining Tourism Certification both for Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata as required by regulation or Sertifikasi Bintang.  We works together with accredited Tourism Certification Bodies.